Monday, 13 May 2013

Vin Diesel Wants Money From Facebook

Pay up, Zuckerberg

Vin Diesel thinks that Mark Zuckerberg should pay him for all the actor's Facebook likes.

Vin, who stars in the upcoming Fast And Furious 6, has over 41 million Facebook likes and claims that he personally updates his fanpage and takes time to communicate with his followers.

The actor told Entertainment Weekly: "Facebook used to ask me to come up to their office to explain what I was doing, and why I had so many fans. What was unique was: I never let anyone do a post, I never let anyone post for me in the last four years. My audience knows me so well on the page that if my producing partner's in the room when I post, they'll know somebody was around me. That's kind of cool, that's how sophisticated they are. Facebook really owes me billions of dollars. But whatever."

The 45-year-old actor continues: "When I had started my page, the only person that had a million fans was Barack Obama. Because it was first-quarter 2009, and he'd just got elected as President, because of social media. So, when I started talking to the fans, I became the No. 1 page in the world. Over Coca-Cola, over huge companies. And it was only because I said, 'Hi, guys, I love you.'"

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